Branding, building and executing a brand new idea from square-one.

Client: InPracSys   |    Jan 2017 - July 2018 


55% of hospitals and clinics loose money on each patient they serve. An unwavering sore spot is services rendered to patients that ultimately go unpaid. By taking a few simple steps to plug holes in the revenue boat, providers and staff can make a big difference in a clinics' bottom line. MobiPay (by InPracSys) is an SMS-based invoicing and payment App designed for clinics to get paid instanly and securely. Providers can send bill reminders via text message to a patients’ mobile phone. And with one tap, a patient can view, pay or setup flexible payment plans that work within their budget. MobiPay is intuitive and hassle-free for both clinics and patients.


When InPracSys introduced us to this app idea, they were barely in the process of setting up the sub-company. It had neither a name, brand nor product. And it was just that, an idea. The challenge was to bring the idea into fruitation, build the product and then launch it into the wonderful world of healthcare. Challenge accepted.


1. Build a Brand


The App idea had legs to boot, but no name. We started the intital branding process by choosing a name for this product. This App is a double-sided market place that needs to appeal to both providers and to patients. We started the process by doing deligent research on the healthcare market. Then we moved over to the consumer market. After creating a long list of potential brand names, we a narrowed it down to three. MobiPay was our final and confident choice. MobiPay describes the product, it is easy to say (rolls off the tongue), and logo ideas came naturally.


Our branding strategy had to be approachable. After all, we are dealing with money due. We wanted to convey a fun (but not overtly fun), easy and modern message. We wanted providers and clinics to feel trusted and professional, but appeal to patients with simplicity and friendliness. We used visual language to combine those messages into one brand.

Software used: Adobe Illustrator

MobiPay Branding & Print
MobiPay Branding & Print
MobiPay Branding & Print
MobiPay Branding & Print


MobiPay Branding & Print


MobiPay Branding & Print

2. Design Product


MobiPay wants to be where their users are. That means we had to create a consistent experience across multiple devices, from desktop to mobile. In order for MobiPay to work, there are two main conponents:

1. Mobile App
(client-side) in which patients can view and pay their bill, setup payment plans and view payment history.
2. Desktop Web App (vender-side) that providers can use to setup automatic SMS reminders, send invoices and pull reports.

WIRE FRAMES - Mobile App 

It was crucial to first tackle the client-side mobile App first, in order to iterate fast through the creation of the user interface. We sat down with the client through many interations and meetings, discussing the parameters and requirements of the mobile App. Staying true to MobiPay guidelines, we then explored user experience and user interface structures by creating wireframes.

Software used: Balsamiq

Rapid Prototyping, UX UI, Wireframes


We took in account all the variables and factors necessary to achieve the best functioning app flow without bothering users. And, after the appflow and wireframe layouts were approved by the client, we started designing fully-detailed, high-resolution mockups. These mockups would serve as a detailed road map for the development team. Customized elements, such as assets and icons were designed, bundled and packaged for dev use.

Software used: Adobe Photoshop & XD

UX UI Interaction Design
UX UI Interaction Design
UX UI Interaction Design
UX UI Interaction Design

3. Launch in Market


MobiPay asked us to create a landing page in order to announce the launch of the product and attract early users. It was the first time MobiPay appeared to the world and we wanted to make the world notice. We were tarketing our marketing core, which were providers, clinics and hospitals, and this was their first impression. Like the 5 pillars of the MobiPay brand, the website needed to be:

1. Approachable
2. Professional
3. Trusted
4. Simple
5. Friendly

Website Design & Development


As a leader in technological innovations in healthcare, InPracSys, already had a full team of in-house developers. We integrated our UX/UI design team with InPracSys’ dev team the second the project started in order to deliver results with tight deadlines. We relied on Agile methodologies in order to keep our designers and their developers close together during production. 

The mobile App was developed as a Hybrid App for all mobile devices
The desktop App was developed as a responsive Web App for primary use on desktop computers


InPracSys has integrated MobiPay as an additional service for clinics that already use InPracSys technologies.

Clients described MobiPay as “Stunningly beautiful” and “An excellent way to take advantage of SMS technology”.

A request to bring MobiPay into the consumer market is underway.

Our personal result? We helped InPracSys further the technological innovations in the underserved healthcare market, yet again, and have maintained an on-going working relationship with them since the beginning of 2015 to present.

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If you have an idea or a project on the table, let’s talk.


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